Programm Tattooconvention Landshut 2024

With great pleasure, we present our moderator, Dirk-Boris Rödel, a renowned German journalist and non-fiction author. 

Until 2017, he was the editor-in-chief of the magazines Tätowier Magazin and Tattoo Style, and he has over 30 years of experience in the tattoo industry. His extensive expertise is undisputed. 

Dirk-Boris will guide the two event days with his professional expertise like no other, and we are very excited for his moderation. 

Samstag 15.06.2024

12:00 Uhr Entrance

13:00 Uhr Welcome and introduction of the participants

14:30 Uhr Contest "Best of Old" incl. Award ceremony

16:30 Uhr Jers Mob live

19:00 Uhr Contest „Ornament“

20:00 Uhr Contests „Black`n Gray“ und „OldSchool/Traditional“ „Colour“ inkl. Preisverleihung

20:30 Uhr Bühnenperformance mit Death Angel + Monica (AB 16!)

21:00 Uhr Contest „Best of Day“ inkl. Preisverleihung

22:00 Uhr End

Sonntag 16.06.2024

11:00 Uhr Entrance

12:00 Uhr Welcome and introduction of the participants

13:30 Uhr Jers Mob Live

14:00 Uhr Contest „Small“ (bis ca. 10x10cm) alle Stile

15:30 Uhr Jers Mob Live

16:30 Uhr Contests „Black`n Gray “ + „Colour“

17:30 Uhr Contest „Best of Big“ (Tattoos,welche über beide Tage gestochen wurden) inkl. Preisverleihung

18:00 Uhr Contests „Best of Day“+ „Best of Show“

19:00 Uhr End

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